7 Factors That Influence Heat Pump Efficiency in Apex, NC

Heat Pump

If you live in Apex, NC, and use a heat pump to cool your house through the summer, it’s vital to maximize its efficiency to minimize cooling costs. Read on for more information about what affects the efficiency of your heat pump.

The Model of the Heat Pump

Older heat pumps just won’t be as efficient as newer heat pumps because the technology continues to advance over the years. It’s not uncommon for the latest models to have variable-speed motors and/or two-stage compressors along with smart thermostat compatibility. All of these things contribute to the heat pump’s longevity and its efficiency.

Correct Installation

Despite the simple idea behind how heat pumps function, they’re complex pieces of equipment. The service technicians who install them have to do it the right way. Something as mundane as where to place the outdoor and indoor portions of the system could make or break its efficiency. The biggest factor, however, is matching the size of the heat pump to the size of the home.

Regular Maintenance

All heat pumps require tuneups and other maintenance on a regular basis. First, you should usually change the filter at least every three months. If someone in your home smokes or you have long-haired pets, it’s better to inspect the filter yourself every few weeks and replace it if it’s dirty.


Our area isn’t only hot during the late spring and summer, but it’s also exceptionally humid. Although some ice forms naturally while running your heat pump, if an issue hinders your system’s airflow, one potential issue is excess ice forming on your pump’s coils. Such excessive ice formation drastically reduces the system’s efficiency.

The Insulation in Your Home

Even the greatest and most efficient heat pump in the history of the planet won’t keep your home cool during the hot weather if you have poor insulation. Insulation prevents heat from transferring into or out of your home. If your insulation doesn’t help your home keep heat out, your HVAC system will have to work harder to make up for the difference.

How You Use It

Though there are a few different methods of using your heat pump, one of the most common ways to keep it running efficiently is to keep your home’s temperature a bit higher than normal (during summer; it’s the opposite during the cold season). You shouldn’t be uncomfortable, but if your ideal indoor temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit, then setting your system to 72 or even 75 can help reduce the amount of work your system must do. Also, set your system a little higher than normal when you’re away from home so it doesn’t waste energy cooling a space no one is occupying.

Your Thermostat

Programmable thermostats let you set schedules for your heating and cooling. Modern smart thermostats go a step further, connecting to the internet so that you can both monitor and adjust the temperature in your home while you’re away. Using a smartphone app, you can even use your phone to program your HVAC system to achieve different temperatures during different times of day on every day of the week, and you can adjust that programming as necessary to balance the coolness of your home with your energy footprint and bill amount.

With an A+ rating and full accreditation from the Better Business Bureau, not to mention decades of experience, we’re qualified to install heat pumps and all other kinds of HVAC systems. If you need a heat pump installation or maintenance this summer, call Modern Mechanical HVAC.

Image provided by iStock

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