3 Signs You Need New Ductwork in Raleigh, NC

New Ductwork

Without robust and effective ductwork, even the most powerful and efficient HVAC system in the world won’t be able to do much to keep you cool. Therefore, it’s important to learn to detect problems with your ductwork and understand when it can no longer do its job. Here are three major signs that you should probably get new ductwork for your Raleigh, NC, home:

High Energy Bills

If your utility bills have skyrocketed despite no noticeable recent increase in your HVAC use, you can be confident that your system’s efficiency levels have taken a turn for the worse. The possible causes of this, however, are numerous.

For example, it may be that your system’s coils, compressor or motor no longer function or that your thermostat has lost the ability to properly operate your system. One other possibility that you shouldn’t overlook, however, is that you have a ductwork leak.

In this case, treated air will escape through holes in your ducts and never reach the rooms of your home. While it may be possible to patch up some such holes, excessive damage may demand ductwork replacement.

Before settling on this explanation, HVAC service technicians should perform a tuneup and thoroughly examine your entire system. If nothing else seems to be wrong with it, your ducts may be the ultimate source of your trouble.

Uneven Cooling

Since ducts channel and distribute the cool air your central HVAC produces, uneven cooling should always cast suspicion in their direction. Again, you should eliminate other explanations, like a faulty thermostat.

Pests and Biological Growths

Unfortunately, insects, biological growth and other unwelcome visitors to your home will have plenty of room to grow and fester in your ducts. If these things suddenly appear or awful smells are coming from your registers, you may require new ductwork.

Hanging on to old ductwork can end up costing you every month and reduce your home’s air quality and your family’s health. Let our service technicians replace your ducts and restore your central HVAC system. Call Modern Mechanical HVAC today and schedule professional-grade duct fabrication services in and around Raleigh, NC.

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