Why is My Furnace Blowing Cool Air Instead of Warm Air in Raleigh, NC?

Furnace Making Home Feel Cool

Like everyone else, homeowners in Raleigh, NC, expect their furnaces to keep them warm. Therefore, it can be confusing, annoying and even frightening to find that your furnace is cooling your home instead. Here are a few explanations for why your furnace might blow cool air instead of warm air your home:

Ignition Issues in the Furnace

If your furnace can’t fire up its burners, it can’t generate hot air. Under these conditions, its blowers will churn out cold air instead.

The burners may not work for a variety of reasons. For example, soot and other debris may block the pilot light orifice and curtail ignition, or gas flow issues may rob your furnace of the means to generate ignition.

Regular maintenance is crucial to preventing such issues from appearing. Heating service technicians can remove debris from all the crucial areas of your system and make sure that everything functions as necessary. You should schedule maintenance either once or twice per year.

Broken Thermostat

To heat your home, your furnace and thermostat must coordinate with one another. If the latter breaks for any reason, it won’t send the correct signals to your thermostat. The furnace’s burners will not activate to produce warm air and will deliver cool air instead.

Faulty Circuit Control Board

The circuit control board is the control center of every furnace. Its job is to receive signals from the thermostat and activate your furnace’s blower and burner in response. However, if the circuit board malfunctions, it’ll react improperly to these signals and may only turn on the blower.

As a result, your furnace will blow cool air into your home. To resolve this problem, service technicians will need to examine your furnace and repair its circuit board.

A furnace that expels cool air into your home in Raleigh, NC, is even worse than one that doesn’t work at all. You should take immediate action against such behavior. Call Modern Mechanical HVAC to schedule furnace repair services today.

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